More hugs and kisses, more laundry, more dishes!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hey, I really am still here.....

I decided to make a new years resolution to start blogging again. Dont know how I'll do, don't know if anyone will even read it..... but I decided to give my blog a makeover to give me some inspiration.

So..... Ta Da!!! Here it is!!

Adam and Abi are doing great, and I wished that I had blogged all the silly and cute and crazy things that have gone on since we've had them. One of the more "memorable" moments was...the day after the kids were introduced to sidewalk chalk out in the driveway, Adam decided that maybe markers would work well on the light camel colored carpet in my bedroom... Ugghhh! He was so proud of himself.... such nice LARGE drawings... just for me!

There were so many others, I wished I'd written down.

Some of the things that I now miss...

* The way they jabbered in their native language at the breakfast table. I wish I had video taped them.
* How they wouldn't get out of bed without having their shoes right there to put on before using the bathroom.
* The way they folded their jammies and placed them on their beds when getting dressed.
* The look of wonder and excitement with things they have never seen, or experienced.
* Christmas... We watched Polar Express after Thanks giving and the kids got up every morning that we had snow, expecting Santa to have come already. When Christmas finally came, they were in shock!

Some of the things that I dont miss at all ...

* The puddles Adam left in the floor after using the toilet. (a very good reason for wanting your shoes on when you get up to use the bathroom!)
* The shoulder shrugging, and the angry stares. Not to mention the tempertantrums with snot and drool, etc. They're almost gone.
* The lovely little intestinal buggies and molescum that we brought home. Good riddance!

Some of the things that I am looking forward to...

* Watching Abi and Hannah's sisterhood and friendship develop.... they're doing so much better than they were.
* Teaching Adam to ride a bike in the spring.
* Abi's hair growing out a bit more, so that I can put it in braids that last more than 1 week.

So, I am still here... and hope to do a better job keeping every one updated.
New pictures are in the link on the right!


Rebecca said...

Hey woman! It has been a long time! I think of you often and wonder how you all are doing...I'm so happy to see all the pics...everyone looks so great!

T & M Twigg said...

Hey Kim, so glad to see you back blogging. I have been thinking about you lately. We (Kristine Fields & myself) started a yahoo group for people who have adopted or are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia and want to discuss attachment issues. We would love it if you joined. I know you are busy, but I feel we could all learn a lot from you. Their is a join button on my blog if you want to join.
Anyway it is great to see how things are going for you guys.

Rebecca said...

Glad you're back! I look forward to keeping up with your blog! Rebecca

SisterMom said...

Yay! Finally new pictures and updates!!